Join the Salon

We’re building our own creative ecosystem—a home for artists, gallerists, curators, collectors and art lovers who want to be part of an art world where women are at the helm.


The Salon

Join a thoughtful, supportive community of artists, curators, gallerists, collectors and art lovers



If you’ve spent any time in the art world lately, here’s what you’ve likely experienced:

  • A “world” where women are drastically underrepresented, especially BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists. Despite the fact that 70% of MFA recipients are female, only 14% of artists with gallery representation are women.

  • An insular New York-centric bubble where you need to “know someone” to get any traction—and opportunities feel sparse outside of it.

  • A bland Instagram landscape with little to no opportunity for real connection—and the feeling that if you’re not on there posting every day, no one will ever find you.

  • A widespread conception that only some art is “fine” art, and everything else is craft/design/amateur.

  • An art market that feels more like the stock market every day, and it’s impacting the work people are doing.

  • Gatekeeping, gatekeeping, gatekeeping—and more gatekeeping. 

Experience something different. 

Step into the world of Less Than Half.

You don’t need to live in New York to feel like you’re part of the art world (and if you do live in New York, get ready for a community that feels like breathing new air).

The Salon launched in 2021 as a way to give people a way to connect, even in lockdown. It has now grown into a community of More than 110 artists, curators, gallerists, arts educators and art lovers across the country and around the world.

Here’s what you’ll find inside


What People are saying

To be honest, I was a bit intimidated to join the Salon wondering how I would fit in since I am still a student. But, it was one the best decisions I’ve made to supplement my technical training. The materials discussed in the Salon have prompted me to reexamine almost everything I thought I knew. Because of this, I am much more deliberate when thinking about the subject matters of my studies and future projects. I truly believe that my learning in the Salon will eventually help me locate the place of my work in the larger cultural context.

-J.C., Salon member


A Real Conversation

(Not just an Instagram DM)

This isn’t an all consuming new social media platform you’ll need to learn. It’s an online forum where you can dip in and out as you’d like.

The focus is on real connection: conversations, support and inspiration. The group is generous, supportive and open—while still being ambitious and rigorous.

And you can connect from anywhere, at any time. It’s non-cliquey way to connect with the art world you always wished existed.

Support. Connection. Collaboration. Inspiration. Community. All for less than the cost of an exhibition catalogue.



$15/month for artists

There’s a free trial available, so you can get a sense of the community—and you can cancel your membership at any time. (Though I have a feeling you’ll want to stay.) 



A few things you may be wondering about

Can I cancel? Yes, anytime.

Is this a facebook group? No, the Less Than Half Salon is on a community platform called Mighty Networks.

Do you offer scholarships or bursaries? Yes! There’s already way too much gatekeeping in art—I don’t want price to be a barrier for anyone who wants to join this community. If you’d like to join the Salon, but the price is an issue for you, please email me at

Is it for people in a specific geographic location? No, geographic diversity is my aim! Though live events are scheduled for an American audience.

Are trans women welcome? Absolutely! All female-identifying artists and art lovers are warmly encouraged to be a part of this space.

Do I have to be a woman to join? No! People of all genders are encouraged to join, although only female-identifying artists can list their work for sale.

Have any other questions? Contact me at or start your free trial and see what the Salon is all about firsthand.