Left Undone
Regina Silveira at Alexander Gray Associates
No one wants to do anything in the summer, and apparently neither does Alexander Gray Associates, as it has mounted an exhibition of non-works. This exhibition, titled Unrealized, includes models of installations designed by Brazilian artist Regina Silveira that have never come to fruition. This is a shame, as much of Silveira’s work is the type of installation art that is simple in concept but affective in practice––like wall drawings that upend your sense of perspective or massive vinyl decals that transform a landscape when seen at a distance. Unfortunately, here we are only left with the simple concepts.
A proposal for a soccer stadium, whose stands are covered in vinyl decals which create an optical illusion
All of these works are meant to be large scale and immersive, so their installation here––several architects mockups on a tall table, alongside meticulous blueprints––is notably restrained. And as most of these commissions are public works taken out of an art world context (like the proposal for a tile wall printed with animal tracks for one of Sao Paolo’s metro stops), many would benefit particularly from being experienced in situ and in time, rather than explained in the show’s thick press release.
An installation maquette featuring a skylight made to look like clouds embroidered by a giant’s hand
While a lackluster show of only semi-finished works is at least marginally interesting existentially, laughable is the feeble mention in the press release of an erstwhile commission for the staircase of the gallery in conjunction with the show. This project, too, remains unrealized. Here Alexander Gray perhaps takes a loosely poetic theme a little too far. What happened to make this staircase project fall through? Did the summer heat just make them too sluggish to finish?
But then again, perhaps this is the best exhibition for the summer––one that has those of us who are unfortunate enough to be stuck in the humid swelter of New York City daydreaming of a bigger and better alternative.
Regina Silveira: Unrealized / Não feito
Alexander Gray Associates
Until July 26